The difference between traditional versus branded Caller ID can make or break your sales efforts. Learn what the difference is and why it matters.
The Traditional Caller ID wasn't built to handle modern business communications. To address its shortfalls, Branded Caller ID was created to help businesses give customers the trust they need to answer phone calls again. Here are some of the differences between the two :
Traditional Caller ID
- Created to treat landlines calls
- Relies on carriers to dip a database (to which there are many) to retrieve a name
- No spoof protection
- Requires the consumer to download a caller ID app or opt into a service
- Less than 10% of consumers have opted into Caller ID services
- Doesn’t allow the business to control the display on demand
- Only shows 15 characters (name will be truncated with no input from business)
Branded Caller ID
- Businesses have control of their display names
- Built-in spoof protection
- Requires NO consumer action
- Built specifically for mobile devices
- Displays up to 32 custom characters
- Reaches 2/3 of U.S. mobile market (280M+ devices)
- Provides call data & analytics to help improve outbound calling strategy
Branded Caller ID for the Win!
Branded calling solutions give businesses brand protection and increased spoof mitigation with the ability to programmatically change a call display name based on who the company is calling to offer more precision and personalization. The rewards are evident – it’s not just spoofing mitigation but also a brand reputation boost, improved client relations, and deeper customer connections.
It’s time to recondition the way people engage with their phone calls.

Get our free ebook on how you can increase your answer rates with Branded Caller ID!